Agnisys Partner Programs

If you think a partnership with Agnisys will help you and your customers, to get started please contact

Agnisys Fusion Partners

At Agnisys, we believe that when companies come together, greater outcomes are possible. Therefore, we have created a partner program that enables us to join hands with companies to deliver higher value solutions to our mutual customers.

Fusion Partner Program

The Agnisys Fusion Partner Program (FPP) enables partner members to collaborate and create value added products and solutions based on Agnisys' and Partner Company’s tools and services.


To join the FPP, you must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Must be engaged in providing services/training for the semiconductor industry

  • Must have service/training offerings for design and verification of IP/SoC for ASIC/FPGA

  • Must not own, sell, or promote in any way, a product that competes with Agnisys’ products

  • Must execute Agnisys’ NDA and License agreement

  •  Must agree to purchase Agnisys Licenses if the tools are to be used for commercial gains


In addition to increased market presence, the Partner Company gets the following direct benefits:

    • Direct incentives for promoting Agnisys tools and services
    • Discounts on Agnisys tools for commercial use
    • Easy and early access to the latest Agnisys tools and technology
    • Close interaction with the Agnisys development team

Business relationship

There are three different levels of relationship possible between Agnisys and the Partner Company.

  • Business Enabler: The Partner Company introduces Agnisys tools to the end customer and helps close the deal. Agnisys closes the deal and provides support.
  • Reseller: The Partner Company sells and closes the deal with the end customer and provides first level contact/support. Agnisys provides detailed support.
  • Tool Integrator/VAR: The Partner Company not only sells the tool but also provides support such that there is no dependence on Agnisys.

If you think a partnership with Agnisys will help you and your customers, to get started please contact

Spark Higher Education Program

Students are the future of technological innovation for any industry. It’s the responsibility of the industry to make sure students are given appropriate tools and access to technology during their course work. At Agnisys, we take our commitment to the semiconductor ecosystem very seriously. We have created the Spark Higher Education Program for Universities and Educational Institutions around the world so that students can get access to our technology with ease. This is our attempt to light the spark of innovation in young minds.


In order to join the Agnisys Spark program, your University or Educational Institution must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Must be engaged in imparting higher technical education to graduates or post graduate students
  • Must have courses in the design and verification of semiconductor devices
  • Must execute Agnisys’ NDA and Software License Agreement
  • Must pay the required program administrative/support fees


The Institution and its students get the following direct benefits:

  • Easy and early access to the latest Agnisys tools and technology
  • Possibility for students to join the Agnisys team
  • Close interaction with the Agnisys development team

Program Fee

There is a small fee that helps to alleviate some of the administrative and support cost of running this program. The fee also ensures that Agnisys provides support for its tools on par with that provided to the industry. At the same time it ensures that the Institution makes effective use of the provided technology.

If you think access to Agnisys technology will help you and your students, to get started please contact

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