Our Latest Blogs

What ARE the Root Causes of Functional Flaws?

By Louie de Luna, Agnisys Director of North American Sales and Marketing...

First sale is always sweet!

I’m thrilled. Finally, we have a customer who sees the value that IDesignSpec brings for his company. We are indeed...

IDS NextGen: SoC/IP Specification & Code Gen Tool | Agnisys

I’m yet to meet a person who doesn’t like simplicity in engineering. I do believe that   Electronic Design Automation (EDA)...

DVinsight: Universal Verification Methodology IDE at DAC Day 3

Ending the last day of DAC strong with a presentation of DVinsight, a Universal Verification Methodology IDE The highlight of...

Using IVerifySpec to test IDesignSpec

IDesignSpec generates several outputs from a single spec. We started out as a simple tool that just dealt with registers...

DAC Day 1: Universal Verification Methodology Adoption

The first day of the Design Automation Conference for Agnisys was exciting.  We experienced a higher traffic flow than Monday...

Agnisys now supports Duolog format for IDesignSpec

The input format of Duolog is now supported by IDesignSpec with outputs including Verilog, UVM, CHeader, and SystemC. The outputs generated...
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