Our Latest Blogs

CERN Selects IDesignSpec for The TOTEM Project at the Hadron Collider

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the worlds largest and most powerful particle accelerator. This research facility enables some...

Top 2018 Agnisys Resources

Every year we take a look back at the resources we’ve created to determine what you’ve found most useful. We...

#47DAC musings

We almost didn’t go to DAC this year, and that would have been a big mistake. Monday started out with...

Begin Initialization Sequence – 10, 9, 8, …

OK rockets are not taking off yet, but we are excited to launch a new capability for our IDesignSpec suite...

Taking Stock of the Past Year

As we transition into 2023, it’s a good time to look back over the past year and assess it, much...

Efficient Design Automation Solutions: Meeting Industry Demands for Optimal Efficiency

The electronics industry’s current state intensifies demands on design, verification, and validation teams, requiring them to achieve more with fewer...

2015 Year End review – DV Challenges

Wow, what a marvelous year 2015 has been to Agnisys, full of events at the various technical exhibitions, new customers...

Semiconductor Register Specification: Shadow of a Shadow

So we have been working in the register specification space for a long time. We came out with the IDesignSpec...

Inroads into EDA using Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) is the rage these days and we were not untouched by it. Being   immersed in Specifications and...
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